Asynchronous Notification
Return after the server receives the payment notification from the payment provider.
currently only have synchronous notifications without asynchronous notifications, please actively call the query to get the order status.
is required when placing an order
Name | Type | Description | Requirement |
trade_type | String(10) | Transaction typeSALE | |
user_confirm_key | String | User Key, provided by eftPay | |
transaction_id | String(64) | Payment provider's order number | |
out_trade_no | String(28) | Merchant order number | |
subject | String(256) | Transaction information | |
total_fee | String(8) | Amount | |
currency | String(5) | Currency type | |
trade_status | String(32) | Transaction status, see Appendix 2 | |
gmt_payment | String | Transaction time, format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | |
payment_type | String(20) | Wallet type | |
buyer_id | String(30) | User ID | |
tid | String(20) | Merchant terminal number | |
eftpay_trade_no | String(28) | eftPay order number | |
rate | String(10) | Exchange rate, returned for GBPAY type | |
actual_total_fee | String(12) | Actual payment amount, returned for GBPAY type | |
actual_total_fee_type | String(10) | Actual payment currency, returned for GBPAY type | |
payment_amount | String(12) | Merchant's actual received amount, returned for UnionPay type | |
cost_amount | String(12) | User's payment amount, returned for UnionPay type | |
uplan_discount | String(12) | Uplan discount amount, returned for UnionPay type | |
amount_discount | String(12) | Instant discount amount, returned for UnionPay type | |
time | String | Time, format: yyyyMMddHHmmss | |
sign | String(64) | Signature |
The following parameters must be returned after receiving the transaction notification
Name | Type | Description | Requirement |
return_code | String(10) | Return code success/false | |
time | String | Time, format: yyyyMMddHHmmss | |
sign | String(64) | Signature |
"user_confirm_key": "12345678",
"transaction_id": "20190823191819",
"out_trade_no": "20190824021916",
"subject": "测试123",
"total_fee": "0.02",
"currency": "HKD",
"trade_status": "TRADE_SUCCESS",
"eftpay_trade_no": "08520005269190824021901723",
"sign": "d37d17a7243b2ae49a865275531a9a7c42f80623e673d0ccf5a79ef62bf14913",
"time": "20190824022030",
"gmt_payment": "2019-09-24 02:20:29",
"payment_type": "ALIPAYCN",
"buyer_id": "",
"tid": "",
"trade_type": "SALE"
"time": "20230609110646",
"sign": "2c418bfb1085b0cabbf2f5c6de71db0694a5a78b7271b05ca6d5a8b70227ebb2",
"return_code": "success"