Asynchronous Notification
- The server returns after receiving the payment notification from the payment provider.
needs to be provided when placing an order.
Name | Type | Description | Requirement |
paytype | String(6) | Payment typeAlipay , WeChat | |
user_confirm_key | String | User Key, provided by eftPay | |
transaction_id | String(64) | Payment provider's single number | |
out_trade_no | String(28) | Merchant order number | |
subject | String(256) | Transaction information | |
total_fee | String(8) | Amount | |
currency | String(5) | Currency type | |
trade_status | String(32) | Transaction status, see Appendix 2 | |
gmt_payment | String | Transaction time, format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | |
payment_type | String(20) | Wallet type | |
scene_type | String | Payment scene | |
tid | String(20) | Merchant terminal number | |
fee_type | String(5) | Currency type | |
rate | String(10) | Transaction exchange rate, configuration return | |
eftpay_trade_no | String(28) | eftPay order number | |
openid | String | Openid obtained from public accountWeChat PUBLIC scene return | |
sub_openid | String | Openid obtained from mini programWeChat APPLETS scene return | |
time | String | Time, format: yyyyMMddHHmmss | |
sign | String(64) | Signature |
The following parameters must be returned after receiving the transaction asynchronous notification
Name | Type | Description | Requirement |
return_code | String(10) | Return code success/false | |
time | String | Time, format: yyyyMMddHHmmss | |
sign | String(64) | Signature |
"paytype": "WeChat",
"user_confirm_key": "12345678",
"transaction_id": "2019082422001386450540290447",
"out_trade_no": "2019082402191600000000000000",
"subject": "测试通知",
"total_fee": "0.02",
"currency": "HKD",
"trade_status": "TRADE_SUCCESS",
"sign": "d37d17a7243b2ae49a865275531a9a7c42f80623e673d0ccf5a79ef62bf14913",
"time": "20190824022030",
"gmt_payment": "2019-09-24 02:20:29",
"payment_type": "WECHATCN",
"scene_type": "H5",
"fee_type": "HKD",
"eftpay_trade_no": "08520005269190824021901723"
"time": "20230609110646",
"sign": "2c418bfb1085b0cabbf2f5c6de71db0694a5a78b7271b05ca6d5a8b70227ebb2",
"return_code": "success"